Our Mission
To make more disciples from nations by way of dynamic evangelism utilizing the components of the Bible, quality worship, and efficacy prayer ideals of C&S Church, all focusing wholely on Christ Jesus.
For clarity purpose, assuming the aggregate of each service has a weight of 100%, the Word (Bible) component should take at least
• 50% of time; quality worship
• 25%, and efficacy prayer
• Ideals of the Church should take 25% allowing room for dynamic flexibility.
What we Believe
Pastor`s Word
Welcome to the Amazing Body of Christ. We are happy to have you visit/worship with us.
I am super happy and excited to have you join us. We believe it's important to have a new members class at every opportunity given we have first timers always and the kingdom of God is marching on. These classes are supposed to be designed to give you a greater understanding of the principles, scriptural and spiritual guidelines towards making heaven which is our Major Goal on Earth.
I pray to see you on the resurrection morning at the side of our Maker.
For what shall it profit a man, if he gains the whole world, and suffer the loss of his soul? Mark 8:36 (KJV)
Special Apostle Prophet Solomon Odulaja